

Neurological disorders is a catch-all term that includes medically complex diseases that attack the body’s central nervous system. Diseases such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Lou Gehrig’s disease, commonly called ALS, require specialized treatment plans. Our hospital uses a team approach to provide patients with an individualized plan that meets those specific needs. The team is made up of an independent private practice physician working in conjunction with a HealthSouth rehabilitation nurse, respiratory therapist, dietician, case manager, physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech/language and speech/language pathologist.

What does the team do?

Our therapy team works with each patient and his/her doctor to assess what debilities can be improved with therapy. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the patient’s doctor may refer the patient for inpatient rehabilitation (overnight hospital stay) or outpatient therapy (daily visits to the hospital).

In either situation, rehabilitation can address a number of issues including:

  • Fall prevention and home safety training
  • Managing medications
  • Self-care skills and mobility
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Patient and family education
  • Fatigue and endurance
  • Swallowing problems
  • Impaired memory, problem solving or behavioral issues
  • Communication and cognitive problems
  • Respiratory impairments
  • Balance problems
  • Equipment needs 

See Our Hospital

Join us for a virtual tour of our hospital where you will see our patient rooms, exercise facilities, and more. You can also set up a personal tour by calling our hospital.

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Get in Touch with Us

Contact us to learn more about our rehabilitation programs or to set up a tour at our hospital.

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